93 features - Marketing For Growth, with London based marketing agency Kokopelli

1 December 2024

Join 93ft and Kokopelli at The Mowbray, on the 25th January, to kick-start 2024 with a marketing workshop.

Organic growth is the default position of virtually any healthy company.
But...all too often determined business owners pour cash and time into marketing ventures to get them to the next stage and see little to no return on their investment.

This workshop is presented by James and Becs, two agency veterans who founded Kokopelli specifically to help businesses discover and benefit from marketing that actually works.

Their straightforward approach ignores the noise that surrounds the 'usual suspect’ marketing tactics and instead focuses on solving just three key challenges that business owners face:

  • Not being known well enough in their industries
  • Not getting enough quality leads
  • Wasting money on marketing that doesn’t deliver.

This workshop is for B2B businesses of all shapes and sizes and in-house marketing leads who believe their marketing investments should be working harder.

The morning will involve:
9.30am - 10am - Welcome and networking
10am - 10.45am - Presentation by Kokopelli
10.45am - 11.30am - Q&A, meet the 93 team, networking
We will be serving tea, coffee and pastries by The Mowbray.

A t the end of the session you will be given some key take-aways to consider.
The 93 and Kokopelli team will be there to answer any questions you may have about marketing, website strategy, design and development.

This is a free event - We only have a limited number of places so please reserve a spot to avoid disappointment.

We’d love to see you there!

Book your place now